Our latest news
Catch up on all the latest news from Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home and the animal welfare sector.

Help beautiful Bear find a home in time for Christmas.
Bear is a big ball of love and cuddles. He's ready to find his forever home and be the best companion to the right owner. Can you help him find a home before the holidays?
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Mona's looking for love
Mona came to us as a terrified and malnourished stray. With love, patience, and a little help from her friends, she's a new woman and she's ready to find her forever home. Read her story.
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Small and Mighty: Mary learns to love again
Mary arrived in our care as a scared, misunderstood and heavily pregnant pup. All she needed was a little care and patience to transform into the loving, cuddle-bug she is today. Read her story.
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Tom and Zach’s story: ‘There was a time that I thought ‘I’m not going to be able to buy his dog food.’
Tom rescued Zach from a bad situation when he was a young pup and they've been inseparable ever since. When they faced tough times, our Pet Food Bank helped them out. Read their story.
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Challenge Poverty Week: Pet Poverty
Challenge Poverty Week aims to drive awareness of the ways that poverty can affect our lives from housing to transport and food.
Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home play our part to support people facing pet poverty with vital resources through Pet Food Banks and Pet Food Drives.
Read on to find out more.
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B&Q volunteers breathe fresh life into Leo’s memorial garden
Recently, a team of volunteers from B&Q gave Leo's Memorial Garden some much needed love and attention. Find out how they got on.
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Dog First Aid Training saves the day for little Pepper
Zoe, a member of our Animal Welfare Team, recently had to put her dog first aid training skills to the test when her dog, Pepper, had a medical emergency.
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Community Day 2024: Thank you!
A huge big thank you to every person and pup who came along to our Community Day. We hope you all had as much fun as we did!
Here's how it went.
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Generous and life-saving donation from St Andrews First Aid
Earlier this year, our friends at St Andrews First Aid kindly donated a defibrillator to the Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home.
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