
Muzzle Training

Learn how to introduce your dog to muzzle use without fear and stress with guidance from experienced dog trainers.
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Dog wearing muzzle looking calmly out across a lake.

Do you need more hands-on experience to help with muzzle training and make your pet feel more comfortable? If online training videos aren’t doing the trick, try a 1:1 session with our dog trainers.

Our trainers have years of experience helping dogs get used to wearing a muzzle and they’re here to share their knowledge. In these group sessions, we’ll teach you how to use positive methods to introduce muzzle-wearing to your dog without fear or stress.

Individual short support sessions

30-minute one-to-one advice and training session, £15

Your trainer will take you through a step by step process to introduce a muzzle, provide advice on the right style of muzzle for your dog and ensure your dog’s muzzle is fitted correctly to help them feel as excited to see their muzzle as they are to see their lead!

Open to all members of the public, bring your dog along. 

Book your session here.

Graphic of dog with bubbles of Muzzle training advice: 1. Allows airflow so your dog doesn’t overheat. 2. At least a 1cm gap between the muzzle and the nose. 3. Plenty of space to allow your dog to pant. 4. Room to open their mouth to eat and drink.

There are many reasons dogs need to wear a muzzle. To protect them from their own actions, when they eat things when they are out, aren’t keen on the vet, don’t like other dogs, or are scared around strangers. Or to follow government legislation which dictates that their breed should wear a muzzle when out. Whatever the reason, we know the main aim is to keep the dog safe.

Many dogs can be resistant to wearing a muzzle which will result in them trying to escape its confines at every opportunity. Many are fearful of the muzzle, so can become overwhelmed when it is used. With either reaction, muzzle use can be a huge stress for you and your dog.

For this reason, we believe it is extremely important to muzzle-train dogs using positive reinforcement methods and a gradual process, going at a pace the dog is comfortable with.

Dogs should not be scared of wearing their muzzle, and those who have to wear one on a walk should be as excited to see the muzzle as they are when they see their lead coming out.

In this session, our experienced dog trainers will talk you through the stages of muzzle training and explain why each stage is so important. This will be followed by a question and answer session for you to ask any questions which were not already answered.

See our video for quick tips on muzzle training.

1:1 muzzle training session

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