
Pet Care Clinics

Monthly drop-in clinics for any pet owners who want advice and support to care for their pets.

Whether you’re looking for a one-off chat, a monthly catch-up or advice about where to get the best accessible care for your pet, we want to help.

Our Pet Care Clinics are an in-person service supporting pet owners with: 

  • Basic behavioural queries
  • Equipment to support training
  • Advice on welfare
  • Providing wellbeing checks
  • Sign-posting to accessible vet appointments and care where appropriate
  • Other general support
Cat being stroked by a vet - pet care

Find a Pet Care Clinic at: 

Streetwork, Simon Community Scotland 

Where: 22 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh, EH8 8AF

When: The last Monday of each month between 1-3pm


Food Fact Friends, Penicuik

Where: 42 John St, Penicuik, EH26 8AB

When: The first Wednesday of every month between 10-12pm


Salvation Army, Granton Community Hub

Where: 36 Wardieburn Drive, Edinburgh, EH5 1BZ

When: Every 4th Wednesday each month between 11:30am-1pm


Edinburgh Food Project, Craigmillar Hub

Where: 13 Queens Walk, Edinburgh, EH16 4EA

When: Every second Tuesday between 11-1pm

(Please note: this service starts from the 11th June 2024)


Please reach out to if you have any questions.

Looking for support with pet food?

Find a pet food bank near you