

  • Age

    4 years

  • Breed

    Labrador Cross

  • Sex


  • Size


  • Home Requirements

    An experienced owner

    An active owner

Susan is looking for an experienced and active owner who will continue her ongoing training. She would like to be kept company for some of the day whilst she settles in. Susan is looking to be the only pet in an adult only home.

Susan is a happy, excitable girl who loves greeting everyone with a waggy tail and wiggly bum. She is full of life and energy so would be best suited to an active home who can take her on lots of different adventures, particularly to places where there a lot of interesting smells to sniff out. She does have doggy friends that she enjoys going for walks with and she may like to continue having dog walking friends in her new home. She is very playful and loves her toys, but she has shown she does not always want to share them so requires an experienced owner who understand this and will respect her boundaries.

Susan has had some veterinary treatment whilst with us, more information will be discussed with successful applicants.

Susan has undergone some extra training with the Paws for Progress team in their rescue dog training programme at HMYOI Polmont. HMP & YOI Polmont | Paws for Progress She has been described as very clever and has learn how to give ‘paw’, ‘lie down’ and ‘rollover’.