Pet Safe Flowers

Lilies, for example, are highly toxic to cats and can lead to kidney failure which can be fatal. Other plants such as tulips or daffodils are poisonous to both cats and dogs. Plant bulbs are particularly dangerous as they often have a higher concentration of nutrients than other parts of the plant.
There are also many pet-safe flowers to be found
These include:
- Freesias – a dainty and colourful spring favourite.
- Roses – a classic, and pet-safe, aside from those pesky thorns!
- Snapdragons – a bold and blooming addition to any bouquet.
- Sunflowers – they will brighten any room and won’t poison your pet!
Any plant can potentially cause tummy-aches if eaten in large quantities so it’s best to keep flowers and houseplants out of the way of your pets, even if they’re safe.
If you have a cat who insists on nibbling your flowers and plants
For persistent nibblers, you might want to invest in some ‘cat grass’ as a safe alternative. Cat grass, or cocksfoot grass, can be easily bought in pet shops and is often used to lure curious cats away from more harmful plants and flowers.
Dogs can also be guilty of plant-munching
Dogs are especially prone to chewing on grass. It’s a common myth that this is a sign of illness or that they’re trying to make themselves sick, but according to the PDSA eating grass is no cause for concern! However, if your dog is refusing their normal food, eating excessive amounts of grass or seems unwell, you should call your vet for advice.
If in doubt, speak to your vet.
When it comes to pet-safe plants and flowers, most reputable flower shops should be able to advise on which are safe for pets. If you’re concerned that your pet might have eaten something harmful to them, contact your vet immediately for an emergency appointment.