Keeping Your Dog Safe Over Easter
Chocolate Easter Eggs
Over the Easter period, many of our houses will be filled with a lot more chocolate than usual. Easter eggs are also often brightly coloured and in an interesting shape, which can make dogs even more curious. Chocolate is poisonous to dogs, so please be mindful and keep any chocolate well out of reach.
What Is Chocolate Poisoning?
Chocolate poisoning is a serious health concern for dogs. Theobromine, a bitter alkaloid found in chocolate, causes vomiting and diarrhoea in our poor pups when ingested. If your dog does consume enough of this toxin, it can lead to seizures and even be fatal.
You can learn more about poisoning, and the necessary steps to take in our Dog First Aid course.
If you find your dog has managed to eat some chocolate, monitor them closely for signs of being unwell and contact your vet for further advice.
Baskets And Wrappers
If you are lucky enough to receive any other wrapped gifts beside your Easter eggs, such as Easter baskets, make sure to keep the present in a place your dog can’t reach. These baskets can contain items such as macadamia nuts, fruit cakes and hot cross buns. Also make sure to dispose of any wrappers as soon as you’re finished opening. Dogs can view plastic wrappers as a fun toy to chew or play with and could cause an accident if swallowed by mistake (or on purpose).

Roast Dinners
Although many of us humans love a traditional roast dinner at Easter, some ingredients we enjoy aren’t safe for our dogs and can cause abdominal pain. Small bones can also be dangerous for your dog to digest, so please continue to feed them their normal diet. If you would like to treat your dog to some of your dinner, we recommend raw carrot, broccoli, green beans, peas (not tinned) and cooked potatoes. They should all be given in small amounts only.
Common Spring Bulbs
Spring flowers with bulbs, like tulips, daffodils, narcissus and hyacinths, can be particularly dangerous to dogs, especially the skin at the bottom of the bulb. Whether they dig them up from a garden, or snack on some in a vase in the home, ingesting these flowers in large amounts can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
Great Easter Treats For Pets
There are so many ways to include your pet safely in Easter celebrations. Here are just a few fun ideas for your furry friend to enjoy the celebrations with you:
- Bake your own dog-safe Easter treats! You can find great examples here.
- Pet Friendly Easter eggs which can be found at your local Pets At Home.
- Set up a treat hunt for them around your house or the garden! Dogs love using their nose so a fun activity for all.
- Enjoy a big family walk together.