8 Tips for Fireworks Fear

1. Walk Your Dog Early
Walk dogs earlier in the day and ensure all pets are safely inside before fireworks begin. If dogs do need to go out ensure they have a secure collar and lead and don’t go far from home.
2. Early Dinner
Feed pets before fireworks begin. Often when worried, animals may refuse food.
3. A Safe Space
Create a safe hiding space or den. Close the curtains, turn the lights on to make flashes less obvious. Turn on tv or radio loudly to drown out bangs.
4. Collars and Microchipping
Make sure all pets have a secure collar with an up to date ID tag. Microchipping ensures your pet is able to be easily traced back to you if they were to become lost.
5. Doors and Windows Closed
Keep doors and windows closed. if you do need to open them for any reason, make sure your pet doesn’t try to escape through fear, perhaps by shutting an inside door to secure them in another room first.
6. Stay Cool
Be relaxed and calm. Being a positive role model can help pets realise there is nothing to fear. Never punish pets for being afraid, this can often intensify the fear.
7. Don’t Leave Pets Alone
Don’t leave your pet alone if fireworks are being set off. Fearful animals can become desperate trying to escape and hurt themselves. If your pet comes to you for comfort do not ignore them, instead interact calmly and offer gentle reassurance.
8. Games and Rewards
Keep pets busy indoors. Play games or try out some reward based training to act as a distraction. However, do not force your pet to do anything if they do want to hide away.