There are few options for you to send your fundraising across to us. Please see below and pick the one most convenient to you.
Online – you can donate via our form here.
If you do use this method please send an email to notifying us of:
- Amount donated,
- date of the transfer,
- your name and address or the details of the person you are supporting/sponsoring,
- along with the event of activity you are taking part in.
We will need this information to ensure that you are credited in our records with the amount raised.
By telephone – Call our Fundraising team on 0131 669 5331 and pay in your funds over the phone
By post – you can send your donation (cheque only. Please DO NOT send cash in the post) to: The Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home, 26 Seafield Road East, Edinburgh, EH15 1EH.
Please make your cheque payable to ‘The Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home’. Remember to include your sponsorship forms too so that we can claim relevant Gift Aid.
By bank transfer – If you do wish to transfer your funds raised via BACS, please get in touch with us at so we can supply you with bank details and a unique reference to note.
If you have any queries at all, please do not hesitate to contact us. Once again thank you for your valued support.