
Crypto Crowdfunder

Please donate crypto to help us buy a new community van.
Crowdfunder total

Help People And Pets

We hope to raise the crypto equivalent of $46,000 to buy a brand-new community van and cover its running costs for a year. A new van will help with community initiatives such as our Dog First Aid courses, our pet food bank, and it will help to transport our dogs safely. If we are successful, the van will help thousands of pets and pet owners across East and Central Scotland. With your help we can reach our goal!

Follow The Lead

Our crowdfunder has been kicked-off with an incredibly generous donation from our friends and K9 Collective, whose logo will proudly feature on the new van. We’re hoping more crypto projects and bag holders will now follow their lead. Your crypto donation, big or small, will have a tremendous impact and inspire others to give too.

How to give

When you give crypto through our Giving Block crypto donation form, we can  put your generous gift towards our crowdfunder. If you’d like to discuss your donation, please contact David Mitchell, our Cryptocurrency and Digital Fundraising Manager via email or on Twitter at @mitchell_david

Donate To Our Crowdfunder

Please donate today to help us reach our total.

Donate Crypto